3rd ESO C


Mark is a 17 year-old-boy. He lives in England. He is far from his sister because she is living in Ireland nowadays. She is studying in an Irish university. She has asked him to send her a picture to see how he is. Don't you think he is happy and relaxed?

First impressions sometimes may be a little bit contradictory because things are not always what they seem. Mark seems one thing but the truth is that last week, the doctor told his mother that she is suffering from cancer. Knowing this, do you think that he can be happy and relaxed or do you think that he doesn't want to worry his sister?

First impressions are not always the right ones. Have you ever thought that you had a bad impression from one person but then he/she turned out to be a wonderful person? Or the other way around, have you ever thought that a person was nice but then he/she turned out to be someone you could not rely on?

Tell me about it.


  1. One day I saw a person who was very shy and I started to talk with her. Gradually, I saw we had many things in common and with the time, we started a love story. I thought she was very shy and I didn’t expect all this to happen because I was very shy too but at the end, she was not shy at all and nowadays, we are still together.

  2. The first day of school, when I repeated, everything was going well. I sat next to a person. The first day, it was fine but then the next days, everything got worse. We always argued. I thought he was a good classmate at first but things changed. Things are very complicated between us right now.

    1. you never know... things can sometimes change in a second!

  3. Once, I met a very important person in my life. We spent two or three weeks together and she seemed to be a very nice and a very polite person. We started to meet many days and nights in a row and then, she began to smoke and drink and had a lot of character. His mum sent him to a boarding school.

    1. Once, I met a very important person in my life. We spent two or three weeks together and HE seemed to be a very nice and a very polite person. We started to meet many days and nights in a row and then, HE began to smoke and drink and had a lot of character. His mum sent him to a boarding school.

      People who can influence us for the worst is better to keep them away. Well done for you!

  4. The first day I meet Yeray. He seemed a dangerous person because he wore Heavy Metal clothes and he always looked with a harsh face but he is kind and funny. People when walk at his side, they stare at him with a scared face, but i guess is because they don't know ho is he. If they did wold look at him with a better face.He always goes with the acoustic box and listening to Heavy Metal music.

    1. The first day I met Yeray, he seemed to be a dangerous person because he wore Heavy Metal clothes and he always looked with a harsh face but the truth is that he is kind and funny. People when walk by his side, they stare at him with a scared face, but I guess it is because they don't know him deeply. He always goes with the acoustic box and listens to Heavy Metal music.

      It's nice that you give a second chance to everybody. You never know how comfortable you may feel with someone you don't know!

  5. My experience was two years ago.
    At the beginning, I like this person wich the first year was very kind and talked to me a lot. The second year we but separated and she said things about me to other people. I didn't say anything against her.
    Now, we don't talk to each other. Only when it is necessary.

    1. My experience was two years ago.
      At the beginning, I liked this person because the first year, she was very kind and talked to me a lot. The second year, we got separated and she said things about me to other people. I didn't say anything against her.
      Now, we don't talk to each other. Only when it is necessary.

      Better to keep this kind of people away!

  6. I once met a guy who had no car and started going with me. All days he called me because he did not know anyone. He took his driving licence and he told me we would party together. He repeated so thousand times. I did not believe it. He bought an Audi A3 but we went the first week together on party but then he met other people and ignored me.

    1. I once met a boy who had no car and started hanging around with me. All days he called me because he did not know anyone. He got his driving licence and he told me we would party together. He repeated so thousands times. I did not believe it. He bought an Audi A3 and we went the first week together on party but then he met other people and ignored me.

      People who ignore you don't worth your person. So, keep on and look for other friends!


    One day, my friend and I were talking. She said that another friend, Katy didn't want to be my friend and she wanted me not to have any friends. I got angry and when I saw Katy, I tried to talk to her about it. At that moment, she said she had not said this. I didn't believe her so KAty and I are not friends anymore.
    Another day, I heard Ariadna saying that the planning was working out: she and her groups of friends were separating Katy and me. I was really sad so I apologised to KAty and we are close friends again.

    1. Very good Sònia! You need to give a second chance to the people who really deserve it!

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. One day I met a person, nice, nice , good people , that I believed ...
    Alberto was called , I told him a secret and not telling, but everyone knew the next day .
    I grabbed him and talked with him and I broke friendship.
    After a week he wanted to be my friend , but another time I said no because once hurt ya two are bad people ( invented )

    1. One day I met a very nice. He was was called Alberto. I told him a secret and told him that he could not say it to anybody, but everyone knew it the next day .
      I grabbed him and I talked to him. We broke our friendship.
      After a week he wanted to be my friend , but I said no again because once you hurt someone, you can do it twice. ( invented )

      Very good Adrián!

  10. One day I have a shield cone soccer boy who is now my best friend in football at first did not think it was both good guy after we have gone to play in the console at home to play the play 3 after we go out and play a game of football in the 2:30 against Georgetown, we win 6-3 I mark 2 my friend also was a goal mark a friend my last and also one other boy

    1. One day I met a boy in football. He is now my best friend. At first, I did not think he was good but then, we played with his games console at home, we hanged around together and played a game of football against Georgetown. We won 6-3. I scored 2 goals and my friend too. The other two were made by other boys.

  11. uuups perdon soy wadie astrid

    1. Thank you Wadie, I didn't understand who Mohamed was! :p

  12. One day I have a shield cone soccer boy who is now my best friend in football at first did not think it was both good guy after we have gone to play in the console at home to play the play 3 after we go out and play a game of football in the 2:30 against Georgetown, we win 6-3 I mark 2 my friend also was a goal mark a friend my last and also one other boy


  13. Many people has betrayed me thought were my friends, but no. One time I was with a guy cheating on me with two of my best friends. Worst of all is that my other friends knew everything and said nothing . It hurt a lot but it has taught me that you can not trust anyone and that those who are always are family .

    1. Many people has betrayed me although I thought they were my friends. Once, I was with a guy but he cheated on me with two of my best friends. The Worst of all is that my other friends knew everything and they didn't say anything . It hurt me a lot but it has taught me that you cannot trust anyone and that those who are always there are your family .

      Very good Rocio!
